Week in Review: July 12, 2019

Meal Prep 101
July 9, 2019
“OH, my back!”
July 16, 2019
Meal Prep 101
July 9, 2019
“OH, my back!”
July 16, 2019

The Internet is a treasure trove of information and content. Here’s a sampling of health and wellness related items that caught my eye this week. Enjoy!

My Favorite Articles

Meal prep doesn’t have to complicated or time consuming. Follow these tips to plan and efficiently make your healthy meals.

A new study suggests that strength training helps to reduce heart fat in obese people.While more research is needed, this could have serious implications for how we program exercise for cardiovascular health.

Part of working with a coach is being accountable and coachable. If you’re considering a coach, are you ready to be a good client?

The Best of Social Media

Using a Kettlebell to spice up our overhead press:

Make sure your hard workout has a point and a purpose:

My client Christy has MS, but that didn’t stop her from crushing a new deadlift PR: