Week in Review 7-6-18

Week in Review 6-29-18
June 29, 2018
Week in Review 7-13-18
July 13, 2018
Week in Review 6-29-18
June 29, 2018
Week in Review 7-13-18
July 13, 2018

The Internet is a treasure trove of information and content. Here’s a sampling of health and wellness related items that caught my eye this week. Enjoy!

My Favorite Articles

I wrote this article for Stack.com. In it we discuss coach communication and concepts/strategies for maximizing strength training.

I love summer cookouts! Here are some tips for keeping your BBQ healthy!

Sustainable methods for fat loss will yield better results over time. The “triage method” for fat loss is such a strategy.  Give it a try.

The Best of Social Media

The process for improving your health contains no magic bullets. You must do the work.

A fun, holiday themed workout

It never gets easier…