A Trip to the Farmer’s Market
July 24, 2018The Injury Bug
July 31, 2018The Internet is a treasure trove of information and content. Here’s a sampling of health and wellness related items that caught my eye this week. Enjoy!
My Favorite Articles
If an 84-year old grandmother can still train for the pole vault, what’s your excuse?
8 simple rules to do things better.
Understanding why you are eating will help to improve your awareness and allow you to address behaviors that may be sabotaging your progress.
The Best of Social Media
Want strong glutes and lower back? Throw in some reverse hypers:
The Reverse Hyper is a posterior chain exercise (Glutes, Hamstrings & Lower Back); use Glutes & Hamstrings to create the movement & minimize Upper Body movement. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps per set; 1 second up, pause for 1 sec at top, 2 secs down & rest 75-90 secs after set. pic.twitter.com/hEWuZyq7Bf
— Joe Dowdell (@joedowdellnyc) July 24, 2018
4 Simple rules…
4 Simple rules:
— Warren Buffett (@itswarenbuffett) July 24, 2018
1. Sleep.
Proper rest allows your body to reset. Sleep well and wake up early.
2. Self education is key.
Read an hour a day minimum.
3. Stay healthy.
Eat clean and workout.
4. Work ethic.
Never compare yourself to anyone.
Work harder than you did yesterday.
Life is good…
If you get to play sports, workout, even go for a walk, that means your life is pretty dang good. Keep it moving forward everyone!
— Casey Wheel (@CoachWheel) July 24, 2018