Week in Review 4-27-18

The Value of Protein
April 24, 2018
Get Outside, it’s Spring Time!
May 1, 2018
The Value of Protein
April 24, 2018
Get Outside, it’s Spring Time!
May 1, 2018

The Internet is a treasure trove of information and content. Here’s a sampling of health and wellness related items that caught my eye this week. Enjoy!

My Favorite Articles

Remember, your body is a great workout tool. Here’s a challenging, high intensity full-body workout you can do from the comfort of your home.

Measuring your food and counting calories is a tedious endeavor that zaps the desire to eat healthy. What if there was another way?

Kids are naturally fit which may explain why they wear out their adult counterparts. However, it’s also important to keep them moving as those advantages decline with age (as many of us have found out).

Social Media Gems

Mindset is the biggest barrier to change

Parents, take note – this is spot on advice for your kids (and for you)

I love game 7’s!!